
How to Properly Insert a Pessary

A pessary is a removable device inserted into the vagina for the purpose of supporting the uterus, remedying a malposition, or preventing conception. It may be inserted by hand or with the use of a special applicator. A distinct advantage of inserting a pessary by hand (using your fingers) is that you become well acquainted with your own vagina and can feel where the pessary is going.

When inserting a pessary by hand, make sure you wash your hands before doing so. Avoid contamination of the pessary after removing its wrapping. To help the pessary slip in easily, its end part may be moistened. Follow closely how a pessary is inserted properly into the vagina.

Lie on your back exactly as you do when undergoing a pelvic examination. With the use of one hand, part the labia (the folds at the margin of the vulva); insert the pessary with your other hand, leading it gently with your index finger in the same direction as when inserting a tampon - inwards and backwards up behind the cervix (the narrow outer end of the uterus).

If you find it disagreeable or difficult to use your fingers, you may prefer to use an applicator. Some pessaries come with an applicator; or you may ask the pharmacist for one that is apt for the purpose. A pessary applicator looks much like a syringe with a sliding valve (plunger). Fit the parts of the applicator together; pull back the plunger and thrust the pessary into the applicator's open end. Do the same steps as when you're inserting the pessary by hand, except of course that instead of your index finger guiding the pessary into the vagina, it's the applicator, guided by one hand, that does it. An applicator has a mark which points out how far it should be inserted. To release the pessary, push the plunger; and then gently retract the applicator.

In case the applicator does not slip in easily, bear down a little to help make your vagina less tense; otherwise, you may be pushing the applicator too far forwards. Avoid using force when inserting a pessary with an applicator. If in doubt or are uncertain, you may check with your finger and slip the pessary up behind your cervix.

Lastly, take the applicator apart and wash it in warm soapy water; rinse it and let it dry before putting it away. It should be immediately available for use the next time. [Read the Original Article]


Unknown said...

How do I know what way to put in I'm afraid I'm going to put it in wrong or get it lost? Mine fell out today after going#2 it did not fall in the toilet I caught it before then

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